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Curriculum & School Design

Welcome to ZPD School and Curriculum Design, where you can discover exciting ways to enhance your school and classroom experience. I am an educator with over 40 years experience in public, independent, international and charter schools. Amongst her leadership experiences, she has opened three new schools and held principal positions K-12 those dedicated to the performing arts, Leonardo-DaVinci and the United Nations. She is the author and co-author of six books and lives between Bolger, Ontario and Sarasota, Florida. The co-construction (consultation) can happen on there levels:

  • an email or Zoom consultative meeting (complementary)

  • provide support for leadership teams at school, district or governmental levels

  • sustained customized services in a school or district

    Feel free to reach out for more information so we can create a brighter future together! You can email directly or share more information below.

Cheers, Barbara

Barbara J. Smith, PhD (Resume)
(647) 882-3403;; @BarbSmithzpd

WE CAN CHANGE SCHOOLS - one educator - one classroom - one school at a time....

WE CAN CHANGE SCHOOLS - one educator - one classroom - one school at a time....

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What Schools Could Be (

CAfLN (Canadian Assessment for Learning Network)

ASCD (Association for Supervision, Curriculum and Design)